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Matritsa tipidagi LCD Ishlash vaqti 5 kun Displey ruxsati 320×300 Protsessor ARM Version Bluetooth 4.0 O‘rnatilgan xotira 4 GB RAM 512 MB Korpus materiali Metall + plastmassa + keramika Tasma materiali Silikon displey diagonali 1,34 dyuymli o‘rnatilgan yurak urish tezligi monitori O‘rnatilgan yurak urish tezligi monitor O‘rnatilgan mikrofon Yo‘q Batareya quvvati 280 mA* soat Band rangi qora 12 oylik kafolat Soat shakli Dumaloq almashtiriladigan tasma O‘zgartiriladigan tasmali Sensorli ekran Sensorli ekranli Bluetooth ulanishi Sensorlar Akselerometr giroskop Yurak urish tezligi monitori Pedometr
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Xozircha hechkim sharh yozmagan. Birinchilardan bo'ling baho bering