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Paketdagi miqdor: 1 dona. Mahsulot rangi oq Manikyur va pedikyur uchun turdagi qurilma Maksimal aylanish tezligi 1500 rpm Dvigatel quvvati 5 Vt Batareya quvvati turi Qo’shimchalar soni 2 dona. Xususiyatlari kesgichlar to’plamini o’z ichiga oladi, tebranish yo’q Qayta ishlash darajasi o’rta-nozik Aylanish yo’nalishi to’g’ridan-to’g’ri Tezlik soni 2 dona. To’sar shakli oval To’sar uzunligi — mm O’lchamlari (GxYxD) 16,80×3,20×7,50 sm Og’irligi 34 g
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Xozircha hechkim sharh yozmagan. Birinchilardan bo'ling baho bering